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On observation of many people’s inability to balance their lives and their tendency to put more weight into one side of their life, than another, brought on an awareness of their unhappiness, destruction of relationships and most crucially their health, and a loss of sense of “self” – whereon this model was created.  The idea was to structure a method which guides and assists individuals to balance their life all over all their intricate dimensions. People are increasingly unhappy in their lives and are looking for quick fixes and instant remedies to structure and bring order to their lives, so that it ‘feels’ balanced, they ‘feel’ contented and experience a joyful fulfilled life. Unfortunately there are no quick-fixes and magic potions. Additionally, life cannot be governed and structured on feelings. If you have taken long enough for your life to fall into an unhealthy, unstructured, redundant pattern, chasing the wind, it is going to take time to adjust, change, take on challenges, grow and improve your life-patterns, routines and behaviours and gain the marvellous anticipated end goal you envisage. Some people are aiming at growth and improvement in their life. They desire transformation and increased mental health, improved appearance, and change in personality and environment. They crave moving forward and anticipate novelty.  Everyday our lives require input to feed us with an objective, and positive attitude so that we can face the day with its challenges and opportunities. This Life Enrichment Matrix© looks at individuals from a different dimensional vantage point. The purpose of this model is to enrich a person’s life with information, ideas, theories, research, and a broad suitcase of knowledge in order to contribute to an individual’s self-development and improvement.

The Life Enrichment Matrix©

Mental &

Mental &

Physical &

Physical &

Financial &

Financial &

Spiritual &

Spiritual &


The Life Enrichment Matrix© is a broad model utilised by JustLive Coaching and Counselling as a platform of knowledge and self-development and improvement.  This encompasses four facets of life which focusses on the fitness of an individual’s wellbeing and entails, mental and relational fitness; spiritual and emotional fitness; physical and nutritional fitness; and financial, work and career fitness.  Various dimensions which encourage an individual to Just Live!

This model has been developed to contribute to the multiple dimensions of a person’s life, in order to profit from enrichment across body, spirit, mind and soul.

Everyday our lives require input to feed us with an objective, and positive attitude so that we can face the day with its challenges and opportunities.  This Life Enrichment Matrix© looks at individuals from a different dimensional vantage point.  The purpose of this model is to enrich a person’s life with information, ideas, theories, research, and a broad suitcase of knowledge in order to contribute to an individual’s self-development and improvement.

Mental Fitness Anchor



One of the inputs to the quadrants of our life is - what we build into our mental and relational wellbeing daily to keep it fit and effective.


This quadrant elaborates on what is beneficial to the mental foundation, things such as:  where are you going – your vision; what are you thinking daily - objective thoughts and gratitude; what you are doing - the goals you want to reach daily; your daily approach and attitude; measurable aims and objectives - your next step forward; measurement of your performance – did you reach and accomplish what you wanted to in the day; and, what aspect did you find necessary to flip to the positive in a day?  This section endeavours to contribute to the positive things in your life that construct a strong, objective mind-set and healthy thought world.


This quadrant also elaborates on what to feed the relational foundation of our lives:  what is depositing (giving or adding to) or detracting (taking away) from your emotional bank daily? Reminiscing on positive contributions to your emotional bank, and what positive emotional deposit you could give to someone else.  Relating to your partner, or spouse - what are you depositing into your romantic relationship daily to keep it fit and active?  What are you investing in your children? (Your heritage).  The attitude that you are approaching it with.  Are you acting reciprocally? Focus on things that you are grateful for in people and others in your life.  What do you have to adjust in yourself so that you are a positive vessel to your relational fitness?  What can you do to acknowledge a person or other people that you stand in relationship with to make them feel valued?  Are you loving this person, or other people? Are you spending time with this person, your children, or other people?  When last did you give this person or the people you stand in relationship with, a gift materialistic or symbolic?  Have you done a humble task or chore or something nice for your partner or friends lately?  Have you given something of value away?


Keeping fit mentally and relational is about asserting balance in your life, but also about unselfishly pursuing others, while taking care of yourself!  People need other people - life is not meant to be isolated.   However, respecting different temperaments could esteem others and bring out the best in them, wherein both parties benefit from interaction.  Elaborating on temperaments will make us understand each other, since across mental and relational fitness our diversity could compliment a fulfilling life wherein we contribute to each others lives by respecting our differences.


Differences bring about challenges in life, it complicates interactions, provokes emotions, behaviours and reactions.  Diversity is exciting!  There's a certain novelty around people being different to each other, or entering different environments, - it's invigorating!  It is a shift from the "I" to the "we."  When we embrace diversity, it colors our lives, makes us care and draw closer to each other, it emphasises our uniqueness, the value we add to society and other lives, and most of all it contributes to our personal growth.  Depression and other mental illnesses are sometimes caused because life balance has not been maintained, and this complicates personal interactions and behaviours.


What the heart is full of will come out in the emotional world.  What we put into our minds and keep ourselves busy with will shape our mindset.


The Life Enrichment Matrix© investigates how to sustain life balance within maintaining mental and relational fitness optimally.





Another quadrant of life to consider is - what is build into spiritual well-being daily to keep it fit and alive.


How the spiritual foundation is constructed will determine how you perform, feel, respond, think, and perceive things daily.   

A calm atmosphere without the hustle and bustle of the rat-race, in a solitary environment, is the platform where you should initiate meditation every day. 


To define meditation will be determined by your own culture and heritage, but most commonly it refers to “devout religious contemplation or spiritual introspection;” “reflection;” “continued or extended thought” ( Online) where an individual contemplates and reflects with a sense of introspection, on their deeper inner life, on that which gives them daily strength.


Your spiritual life prepares the ground and is the starting point that all the other quadrants of your life derive from. Should this be strong, fit, active and growing, it will be easier to balance the other sections of your life and sustain them. 


When you experience tranquillity and peace from your spiritual dimension your emotions can be sustainable.  This quadrant aims to contribute to developing a more emotionally intelligent base, by promoting self-awareness and emotional regulation.  Emotional fitness motivates joy and soundness of mind.


In the Life Enrichment Matrix©, we journey with you on how to develop life balance within sustaining and maintaining spiritual and emotional fitness distinctively.




This other quadrant of life – contributes to what equips the well-being of our bodies and our health – maintaining physical and nutritional fitness daily to keep healthy and active.


What we do to our bodies – will determine the outcome of how we look, feel and approach life!


In the Life Enrichment Matrix©, nutritional fitness will contemplate the foods we eat, our eating patterns and the mindfulness that surrounds it. The Psychology behind our eating habits and how we eat to comfort our souls will be investigated. What can contribute to a sound healthy brain and bring the best out of our brain performance?


Exercise is a lifter of spirit, soul and body – be it physical exercise or mental and spiritual exercise, we are required to exercise our whole being daily! It is our responsibility to maintain physical fitness and keep our bodies in good shape, therefor this section will contribute to knowledge in every area of our bodies and sustaining physical and nutritional fitness.


This quadrant looks into practical exercising of all dimensions of our being, including healthy foods and ideas, recipes and suggestions which add value to our physical and nutritional lives.


The Life Enrichment Matrix© searches for ways to maintain physical and nutritional fitness effectively, by guiding each individual with the enthusiasm to move forward!




This quadrant of life – focuses on how we manage and sustain our financial well-being to keep our money safe, and how we manage the world of our careers.


The status of our mental, relational, and body fitness could determine how we manage our money. The dimensions of the Life Enrichment Matrix© interweaves and each dimension influences the other.


Should your mental state be sound, good and objective – you can face the world! Your investments are dealt with vigor and tenacity, your management of money is equitable; you have a sustainable bank balance and good saving ethics. Should your spiritual state be strong, sustainable and you are emotionally resilient - the way you approach your finances will be by ‘giving’ before your count your eggs, and ‘thanking’ before you look what has hatched! Should your body be fit and healthy and your mind sound, your finances can be in good order, your taxes paid and accounted for and you will feel safe and happy.  


Then how come are most individuals not living prosperously?


We will contemplate investments, how to invest and manage your funds, investment possibilities and ideas, we will also look on tricks for the budget, how to save and provide for the future. 


We will reflect on advice from experienced financers on how to get out of debt and live a debt-free life.  


One of the most important life balanced areas, which affect our relational fitness, is our careers and how we fit our world of work into our daily lives! 


We will delve into some interesting careers, work and children, work satisfaction, continuous learning, performance and time management. 


One of the greatest mistakes individuals make in their careers is putting more weight in their work, and not maintaining balance in their overall life. We will address the overcompensation and psychology of work.


The Life Enrichment Matrix© examines ways to sustain life balance by being a good steward of your finances and balancing your world of work – by maintaining balance in financial, work and career fitness accountably.

JustLive Coaching and Counselling developed the Life Enrichment Matrix© on a backdrop of sound knowledge and information development, which derives from input from reputable sources, experts, professionals and also contributions from normal everyday people. 


The Life Enrichment Matrix© exists from consideration of essential and necessary factors that are desired and required to feed the many dimensions of an individual so that the individual can acquire wholeness and balance in life.  Various dimensions are investigated which contributes to an individual Just Living!


The Life Enrichment Matrix© is there for every individual that has the guts to pursue a journey of change and development to sustain Life Balance!



JustLive Coaching and Counselling

JustLive (Pty) Ltd 


JustLive Coaching & Counseling©2020, Johannesburg, South Africa.  JustLive and Life Enrichment Matrix©2020 are trademarks of JustLive (Pty) Ltd. and copyright lies within.

Spiritual Fitness Anchor
Physical Fitness Anchor
Financial Fitness Anchor
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