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Creating focus in spiritual fitness

Writer's picture: Elvira de JagerElvira de Jager

Reminiscing on the previous mental and relational fitness article of a “Need to focus” the emphasis is seen on the demands of the chaotic fast-paced world we live in. This world wants instant gratification; immediate answers and results; it’s laden with demands of everything quick and now!

Everyone desires to win, however, no one wants to wait!

As soon as automatic negative thoughts take over our mind, we run on the railway of a track going nowhere - making it easy to lose focus. What you are focusing on will influence the direction and destination of your spiritual life.

Every morning you have the opportunity to reset your life, for God’s mercies and tender compassions never fail and they are new every morning since His faithfulness is great and beyond measure (Lam 3:22-23). This resetting of your focus involves the opportunity of reassessing your life, taking account of the truths you are aware of, and a reassessment within - if you are living a daily truthful and obedient life.

Your focus will determine the outcome of your day and how you are feeling. The ripple effect could have an influence on your productivity at work, your relationships, mental and physical health. Therefore resetting your focus in your spiritual life is detrimental to living a happy successful daily life.

It could be helpful following Sharma’s suggestion for a focus-driven day - by getting up at 5am and devoting twenty minutes to reflection, after all, the Bible expresses, “those who seek me early and diligently will find me” (Prov 8:17b).

Building time in your early daily routine to reflect builds positivity and creativity, and creates a more productive performance. During reflection, a person can journal, meditate, plan, pray and contemplate. This realigns your mindset creating increased serenity, wherein awareness and wisdom can be constructed. During reflection, pondering on the things that are appreciated is uplifting and it increases conscious gratefulness which assists in regaining focus as a person contemplates the good admirable things in their life. “Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [centre your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].” Philippians 4:8 AMP

The benefit of objectively aligning your spiritual focus is that you are maintaining your Life Balance, as well as important parts of the essential dimensions of your personal Life Enrichment Matrix©. Balancing all the quadrants of your life motivates the creation of a calm, restful and productive platform, from where you can diligently attend to the things that require interactive focus.

When I include reflection first thing in my morning regime, it equips me with a focus which includes vigor, fulfillment, joy and guts to face the day. It energizes me and puts protection around me that makes me feel like I can take on anything coming my way.

Resetting your spiritual focus can be challenging. It is a definitive decision where reflection becomes your central point of attention, attraction or activity at the moment. Through filling your mind, body, soul and spirit with the presence of the Holy Spirit; creating a moment to reflect on the Word of God, and time in prayer - reconstructs your whole being and creates a wholeness from within, and external strength. By creating spiritual focus, we are strengthening our spiritual fitness, and also contributing to equipping and enriching the other dimensions of our lives.

To realign your central point of attention so that you can focus will require a decision to keep to a daily goal or plan of action. This can be initiated by making time at the start of the day to operate, reflect and develop! FOCUS!


JustLive coach

See Robin Sharma’s interview on “How to wake up at 5am” below

“What we focus on outside is a reflection of what we feel inside.” Anonymous
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