Part 2
Work and career aspirations
In episode two of achieving Life Balance, as we contemplate the quadrants of the Life Enrichment Matrix© in a quest to achieve Life Balance, we investigate the dimension of work and careers.
Perhaps you are an adolescent or a single person, or you are part of a couple, whichever way – you are either working towards an aspiring career or you are currently exercising your career, part of the working class, with an obligation to balance your life.
The obligation far surpasses your own goals, dreams and commitments, it contains within it relational dynamics with a definite link to the previous section of social and family relationships. Within the hierarchy of social and family relationships are embedded our support systems and lifelines, and since they contribute to the joy and fulfilment in our life, we cannot neglect this part of our Life Balance.
The hierarchy of “social and family” consists of romantic partners, family members, friends and even acquaintances such as the parking guard who regularly gestures us when we leave our car in the parking bay.
This part of our life should be guarded and nurtured in the same manner as looking after a plant, by sustaining it with regular maintenance and water. Neglecting this important part of our lives could cause imbalance and loss of purpose, and is often found when people emphasise and prioritise their work and career above all else.
In the workplace, many relationships exist along the hierarchy. When considering the organisational structure some positions are ranked higher, equal and lower than others and often this stages the origin of future relationships people will have with colleagues. Life Balance within the workplace is influenced by many factors such as relationships, work satisfaction, environment, growth and development possibilities, rewards, personalities, time management, boundaries, self-worth, people’s goals and dreams.
The notion where people rather concentrate their time and priorities in the workplace, instead of balancing it throughout the whole of their life (The Life Enrichment Matrix©), often occurs because individuals attempt to compensate for other areas of their life that lack significance and meaning to them.
Erikson (1968; 1994) believed people tend to indulge in their careers and work because their work defines who they are, instead of believing that what they have accomplished is their own skill and proficiency that they have duly acquired and learnt in their life. Furthermore, he suggested that a person’s work could develop as a source of self-worth which results in the person developing an inability to successfully progress towards the development of other stages and virtues of their life, and develops a crisis of inferiority. This sense of inferiority has a direct influence on an individual’s identity development in adolescence, which could affect the rest of the person’s future.
Many individuals are not grounded in their self-worth and acquire a low self-image, and by excelling in their career and workplace they create a sense of purpose and significance, which substitutes their sense of inferiority, and identity loss, even if it is superficial and fleeting. They desire much recognition, affirmation and reward to establish that they are good in their work and within this facade, they put on a mask which hides the low self-worth in their real personality.
It is important to know who you are since many people have a workplace personality, a social and familial personality.
You need to have a deep sense of the fact that you are valuable, that you are acceptable and deserving of love! A confirmation that you are necessary, have an essential purpose and contribute a cherished worth to this life! Attaining good self-worth will contribute to living a balanced life.
Good workplace relationships are of utmost importance and necessity for productivity and creation of loyalty in the company and results in favourable collaboration and camaraderie, which both parties benefit from. However, often people do not have clear personal and work-related boundaries, which cause an unhealthy lifestyle and mind-set. When they immerse their whole being into their work generally and frequently, and neglect balancing their life, they lose touch of reality; their support systems; and their “social and family” hierarchy. This results in an imbalance in the other quadrants of the person’s Life Enrichment Matrix, as their health deteriorates, they often eat poorly; their spiritual life is neglected, and their mental and relational dimension is disregarded.
While people exercise responsibility by working and providing financial support to themselves and their families, the establishment of boundaries between work and home to balance the intensity is of great significance and essential for Life Balance.
It is important to have good working relationships since this will affect your home and family life. Working effectively with quality performance and ethical workplace conduct is part of the commitment and accountability instituted at work and the home.
If this is adhered to, each person will balance their workplace and home relationships accordingly and promote healthy relationships, as their work and careers are also influenced by all the quadrants of their lives.
The establishment of boundaries at work holds within it an essential and deliberate time management responsibility. Responsibility to the employer for work performance, as well as the accountability thereto, since time is money. As well as additional responsibility at home with social and family relationships, since quality time reflects love and care.
During the life cycle people learn, grow up, work, some have families, and then as they enter old age and reminisce on what they have achieved, they question if their lives were good and what they could have done better. Futuristic thinking could benefit you, since planning to live an optimistic life with effective time management and juggling priorities with a focus on that which is essential, will build a meaningful and memorable legacy!
During the Covid-19 lockdown, many people had their workplaces moving to their homes, which held many challenges. In this time you could have reconsidered your job in many ways. Perhaps the way it intrudes in your family life; your relationship with your spouse or partner; your children; your time management; your self-worth; your mental and emotional status; and stress-levels. You might have reconsidered how your work changes you and affects your personality; behaviour and identity.
Some people have been left unemployed after the Covid-19 prolonged lockdown or their businesses had to close down; or went through liquidation. Normally this would be seen as a negative situation leaving people in dire circumstances, but it could also create a situation where you have to restructure your life, which could be of benefit for the sake of Life Balance.
The following questions are aimed at assessing balance in the dimension of work and careers. These questions are part of your personal growth, designed to enlighten a different way of thinking and emphasising areas where you could improve balance in your life.
Balance in work and careers – S1-P2
How important are your achievements to you? Are you satisfied with your career achievements to date? Are you satisfied with your career choice? How fulfilled are you in your current work environment? Do you look forward to going to work each day? Does your career stimulate and develop you as a person? Is your work environment positive and supportive? Do you find contentment and fulfilment in your current career? Would you urgently like a career change? And are you satisfied with your work relationships? Do you get along with your employer and colleagues? How happy are you with the overall quality of your work performance? If you died today, would you be happy with the legacy you have left behind?
Rate these questions between 1-10 (where 1 is not good and 10 is very good) – are you balancing your work and the other dimensions of your life?
Consider your personal vision statement about about an area/s in your career and work that you would like to improve on. Note a date in your calendar about 30 days from instituting the career and work vision statement, in order to facilitate accountability. You control the decisions you make!
If you have challenges in balancing career and work in your life, and the questions have revealed imbalance and points that you would like to work on and grow in – please have a chat with a JustLive coach and book a session!
JustLive coach
Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life! Dolly Parton