The main objective of JustLive’s Coaching is to guide people to establish a consistent, healthy, Life Balance.
Within this, the goal is - to reach a reality wherein each individual experiences joy and fulfilment by reaching their full potential of balance in their life, over all the dimensions of the Life Enrichment Matrix© https://www.justlive.co.za/life-enrichment
The Life Enrichment Matrix© is a broad model utilised by JustLive Coaching as a platform of knowledge and self-development and improvement. This encompasses four facets of life which focuses on the fitness of an individual’s wellbeing and entails, mental and relational fitness; spiritual and emotional fitness; physical and nutritional fitness; and financial, work and career fitness. Various dimensions which make an individual Just Live!
Why is the The Life Enrichment Matrix© important?
It is a guide to Life Balance, but also a journey where individuals aim at reaching life goals that are sustainable, reality-based, tangible and not based on feelings.
It is building courage to step out in a determined direction in order to succeed in living optimally, because of a person's predetermined choice and decision, to cherish time and make time to smell the roses!
The objective of the JustLive Life Balance Coaching Course© is, that after receiving some guidance in your Life Balance and how you can master being fit within the four quadrants of the Mental and relational dimension; Spiritual and Emotional; Physical and Nutritional; and the Financial, work and career dimensions - that the purposeful and significant goals that are created during the course and pursued – will improve the quality of your life and others, after you have exerted the challenging effort required to accomplish them.
The journey of the Life Balance course is like the process of the growth of a tree, it starts with the germination of a seed (vision & goals) and needs some care; nutrition and certain circumstances to become a full-grown luscious, deeply rooted tree. The process is continuous and cannot thrive from instant cultivation, but consists of purposeful effort, perseverance and determination to get the vision you envisage.
Should you desire to cultivate and learn Life Balance - contact us for this valuable course at: info@justlive.co.za
JustLive Coach
It takes vision and courage to create - it takes faith and courage to prove. -Owen D. Young