Need to focus?
In this chaotic demanding fast-paced world we live in, it can be easy to lose focus.
What you are focusing on, will determine the direction and destination of the moment.
Every morning you have the opportunity to reset your life, since mercies and tender compassion's are waiting with every new morning.
Daily you have the chance to reassess your life, take account of the truths you are aware of, and you can inquire within - if you are being true to who you are.
What you are focusing on, will determine the outcome of your day and how you are feeling. This has a domino effect on all aspects of your life such as productivity at work, relationships and overall health. Therefore resetting your focus is detrimental to living a happy successful daily life.
In an attempt to regain focus, one of the methods that can be contemplated is getting up early in the morning and applying Sharma’s formula where he assigns twenty minutes for each section he deems essential in helping individuals set up a focus-driven day.
In the book "The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life," Robin Sharma emphasises daily routine as a tool to regain focus in his "20/20/20 Formula:"
Ultimately by moving and doing intense exercise daily, hydrating, breathing and making time to learn, a person is elevating their metabolism, cleansing their hormone system and increasing beneficial hormones.
Additionally, it contributes to increased focus and productivity, optimisation of the brain, energy growth and longevity.
Building time in your early daily routine to reflect, could build positivity and creativity, and create a more productive performance. During reflection, a person can journal, meditate, plan, pray and contemplate.
This realigns your mindset creating increased serenity, wherein awareness and wisdom can cultivate. During reflection, pondering on the things that are appreciated is uplifting and it increases conscious gratefulness which assists in regaining focus as a person contemplates the good admirable things in their life.
Through allocating time to review your goals and stimulate your brain by reading books; listening to podcasts; motivational talks; or doing research, you are increasing your inspiration and contributing to your personal growth.
As we set out to retain focus by pursuing an effective routine or lifestyle daily, we are promoting performance which in turn increases productivity and will have an impact on our mental health, finances and relationships.
When your focus is objectively aligned, you can maintain Life Balance as well as important parts of the essential dimensions of your personal Life Enrichment Matrix©. Balancing all the quadrants of your life has the benefit of creating a calm, restful and productive platform, from where you can diligently attend to the things that require interactive focus.
Resetting your focus can be challenging. It is a definitive decision of making something your central point of attention, attraction or activity. In this case, we are referring to making 'something else' your central point of attention, since you require refocusing the current state of mind you are finding yourself in.
Since most objectives in your life require an amount of focus, this is where the challenge comes in of balancing your life - by not over accentuating a certain dimension of your Life Enrichment Matrix©.
An aspect that throw’s us off course, is the obsessive-compulsive and impulsive age that we live in, which requires that you overcompensate somewhere, and something else is neglected. However, you can control the direction that your mind, body and spirit are moving in.
It is a decision, a deliberate act of agreement that you make with yourself.
To overcome obsessive-compulsive and impulsive behaviour that is experienced can be decreased by going slower. Pausing more. SLOW DOWN!
When waiting for a while after an altercation; problem-solving; purchasing something; important decision making; or devising a plan - much more effective decisions, goals, and actions are produced. WAIT!
Through not making impulsive decisions immediately and making time to deliberate, is the answer to much compulsive behaviour. This is done by taking the physical and mental hyperactivity that is experienced down to a sustainable level and will result in making a person think clearer, more objective and decisive. That is why it is required to stop and pause. You cannot focus if your mind is running on a railway track, you need to contain your thoughts, your physical behaviour and emotions.
To realign your central point of attention so that you can focus will require a decision to keep to a daily goal or plan of action. This can be initiated by making time at the start of the day to operate, reminisce and develop! FOCUS!
Follow the Life Enrichment Matrix’s© blueprint to focus and PAUSE + RESET + CHANGE DIRECTION + REFOCUS + SLOW DOWN + WAIT = FOCUS!
See Robin Sharma’s interview below on “How to wake up at 5am.”
JustLive coach
Focus on progress!
Robin Sharma’s interview on “How to wake up at 5am:”